December 10 on 10

The last month has been filled with travel and family.  We spent a wonderful 10 days in beautiful Palm Springs, CA, celebrating my uncle's 70th.  Of course we had to steal some time away to visit Joshua Tree and take in some of our favorite sites in the area.  It was so hard to say goodbye at the end of our trip, but what wonderful memories were made!

This post is part a blog circle, celebrating every day life.  Please continue on in the circle and visit the very talented Mandalyn Renicker as she shares a glimpse in to her daily life over the last month.

August 10 on 10

This post is part of a blog circle that takes time each month to reflect on what life over the last month looked like for each member.  Please continue on in the circle and visit the  Lisa Howeler, as she shares a glimpse in to her family's life.

I can't believe it's August already!  

The summer has flown by, and it's hard to believe that kids will be starting back to school soon.  Summer this year has been a quite one for our household this year.  Since mid-June I've been struggling with persistent pain on the upper right-side of my body.  Although I've suspected for years, it was confirmed with 100% certainty that I have gallstones and a gallbladder that needs to be removed.  Not feeling confident in what foods cause the pain to flare-up, and not wanting to risk a potential ER visit away from home, or for that matter emergency surgery, we have stuck close to home.  

Although I'm feeling better now, between work and not feeling well, I haven't had much energy to pick my gear up and shoot.  It's been frustrating; I've had so many ideas for some personal photography projects for this summer and they have all had to have been pushed to the back-burner.  One "project" though seemed perfect for this time where my body has forced me to take it easy - film.

There is something about film that I absolutely love, but words fail me when it comes to describing why.  I think part of it has to do with shooting film is something I do so completely for myself.  Not wanting to waste a frame - I slow down so much and really think about each shot. And a silly as it will sound to some, waiting for scan day is like waiting to open presents on Christmas.  I check my email far too many times the day I expect my scans and can't wait to open them and see if I was really able to capture what I saw.

Below are a few glimpses in to my everyday, from my August batch of scans.   

                                                                               Yashica Mat 124 G, Lomo 400, FIND Lab

                                                                              Yashica Mat 124 G, Lomo 400, FIND Lab

                                                                                      Pentax 645Nii, Ektar 100, FIND Lab

                                                                                    Pentax 645Nii, Ektar 100, FIND Lab

                                                                                   Pentax 645Nii, Ektar 100, FIND Lab


I don’t think there is a better way to celebrate a birthday thank watching the sunrise the hour you were born.

Saturday morning started at 5:15 am with a hot shower, a hilarious birthday card from my husband, and staring at myself in the mirror.  As I studied my face I wondered if I looked my new age – could people tell I was a year older…beginning the last year of my 30’s?  The wrinkles around my eyes and on my forehead seemed more pronounced than they did the day before.

Many times people consider the “0” birthdays as the big ones, but for me it’s always been the “9” birthdays that feel really significant.  They’ve been the ones I’ve looked back and reflected on what the last decade of life brought me, as well as a time that I looked forward to try and present my best footing for the new decade ahead.  Needless to say, there has been a lot of contemplating and reflecting the last few months, and definitely excitement, but also some fear and feelings of really being aware of how precious our time with loved ones is.

After showering, packing up and checking out of our hotel, the next stop was Starbucks for that all-important free birthday drink, and then on to Bombay Hook to catch the sunrise.  It was cold, and neither David nor I were prepared for that kind of cold, but I could help but feel lucky to be standing next to my best friend, enjoying the beauty around us.  

March 10 on 10

Those who know me, know how much I love Chincoteague Island.  It's my place to escape the business of every day life and slow downs and enjoy just being.  Being on the island, especially during the off months, reminds me to enjoy the quiet and simply listen to nature and savor the beauty God has provided for us.  Most of all, I love spending time with David on the island.  I can see us there in our 70's, 80's, and hopefully beyond, lugging out our photography gear and still loving spending quiet time with each other observing and photographing the beauty of the nature and the wildlife on the island.

This blog post is part of a photography blog circle.  Please take a few moments to continue on in the circle and visit  Elizabeth as she shares 10 images from the last month of her everyday!

Weekend Recap

I can't believe it's been so long since I last blogged.  My attempt at doing this regularly fell by the wayside when life got super busy.  The last 6 weeks have been so full of emotions that my head is spinning  just thinking of them.  One of these days I will blog about it, but I just need to time be with my thoughts and process. So while I process how about a little share of backyard wildlife?

June has not been the best weather month in Northern Virginia this year.  Between rain, and heat & humidity that is  usually reserved for late summer, it's not been a little brutal. Add to the mix David having surgery and we have not ventured anywhere to enjoy some wildlife photography.  In my attempt to turn lemons in to lemonade, I have been trying to remind myself of how much I love the local wildlife that visits my back yard.  Birds, bunnies, lizards, turtles, ground hogs, and squirrels!  I know many people view squirrels as pesky tree rats that steal the seeds they leave out for birds, but quite honestly I love them.  We don't have tons of squirrels running around, so I really get excited when one visits my deck and partakes in some of seeds and nuts that I've left out. I love watching their little paws bring the food up to their mouths and some of the looks you get out squirrels are pretty funny.  I've been slowly trying to gain a little trust from the two squirrels that frequent my deck  Don't worry, I have no plans on trying to domesticate my wild little buddies, I just want to be able to photograph them through a cracked sliding door instead of a dirty window.  I think we made a little progress this week. 

I don't have any super cool animal photos to share this week, but I hope you enjoy the pics of my little squirrel friend.


Happy Earth Day

When David and I bought our first DSLR's, I had no idea how much our new hobby would change my perception of the world. It's hard to admit, but the simple fact is that until I had this amazing tool that helped me see the world differently, I was pretty apathetic to things like climate change, trophy hunting, environmentally safe products, and so much more.  While I’m far from perfect in making sure my footprint on this beautiful planet we live on is as small as possible, I have made significant strides in trying to be a responsible citizen of this earth.  

In honor of Earth Day, and as a reminder of why these continued changes are important, a little look back on some of my favorite wildlife and landscape images from the last year.

Changes, however small they can be, are hard. But even a small change that reduces your environmental footprint will have an impact, for the good, in the long run.